Resistance - Surrender
Empowerment - Choice


How to Be at One with the Flow?

  The original purpose of the "Ego-Mind" (aka the "reptilian mind") is to provide a learning tool to help an organism to survive and hopefully thrive in a hostile environment. To achieve this end, the ego mind takes all past experiences and makes judgement calls that determine the rules of life, the nature of reality and ultimate truth: this here is dangerous, that is safe, this tastes good, that is yucky, this entity is friendly, that one is not, and so on..... Over time, these judgments become permanently installed or "programed" within the matrix of the body mind as crystallized thought forms imbued with "positive" (good) or "negative" (bad) energetic charges. These ego mind created artificial crystalline constructs get stuffed (layer by layer) deep into the matrix of the body mind, and act to impede or "resist" the free flow of the electrical current or life force. This is very similar to an electrified fence that, through negative reinforcement, trains domesticated animals to remain confined within their pens, and to in turn (hopefully) keep wild animals out. Similarly, we humans have an internalized "electrical fence" (installed within our body mind) that acts to unconsciously control, direct or manipulate our behavior, in essence, to attract or repel us to certain actions, things, people and situations, in many cases often with detrimental effects ! Instead of helping us survive and thrive in life, these internalized electrified fences act like prison bars or walls, distorting, twisting, blocking our life force from freely flowing into new constructive directions ! You might ask "How is this undone or corrected? Enter the healing work.

During a healing session, these mental energetic constructs are transformed, transmuted and or released. This creates new spaces to open up within the matrix of our body mind, allowing us to more deeply experience, express and receive the love, light, beauty and grace that is both within and without. The internalized prison bars and walls are gone, and we are finally free to act and be whatever or whomever we want.

Everyone in a human body has resistances.
Resistance maintains the illusion of me, you, yours and mine.
Resistance is the feelings of separation that keep us apart.
Resistance is the wall of "No" that keep life out
(we all have done "No" so often it is now the default).
Resistances have accumulated within
not just for a few years but since the beginning of time.

Programmed and hard wired into every aspect of our existence, resistances are virtually impossible to remove on ones own. Even if we wanted to now let them go, and we mentally affirmed “Resistance be gone”, it is too late... they have become our masters and tell us what to do.

We cannot be free to follow our hearts
if fear is running our lives.

If we want to passionately live - no holes bared no holding back
to have a pure direct experience of life “as it is” and not as we think
to be 100% aware open and responsive in every moment
we need to release our fears, our no's, our illusions, our resistance.

Obsolete Programs
To help us successfully cope and respond to life as it is (which is often very hard and traumatic), our egos accumulate concepts and judgements to surround and protect us, there to be programmed into our minds to be run automatic (simple and easy). Over time, not only do we continue to accumulate more and more of these concepts and judgements (passed on as subconscious programing) but many of these programs tend to conflict. And though one program may have (at some point in the past) served us, it may run counter to what is needed in the ever changing now, and we may find our reactions to life surprisingly inappropriate and conflicted.

Resistance takes on a life of its own
like an email spam filter automatically selecting and choosing
"this is good, ok - the rest, toss aside".

Resistances become irritating sore spots:
like a button - if someone pushes you react:
"You hurt my feelings"
"I don't like that"
"That's bad"
"You are wrong"

Someone can say the most innocent thing, a resistance button is triggered and "off the deep end" we go. We can try to project or blame our socially inept inappropriate knee jerk reaction on that extra cup of coffee, our terrible childhood or some unkind word... but no matter what excuse, we all have hidden buttons that trigger our programming. If we are not willing to clear, de-clutter and deprogram our body mind, we will become unintended victims of our resistance and interpret feedback from the world as threats (which is when our reptilian mind actively steps in to fight or flight).

Once “resistance programs” take over, perceptions of reality get clouded over and altered... setting up a chain reaction that causes us to operate from a “less than” mentality - a resistance consciousness of "NO". Life get smaller as we find ourselves stuck in a very small corner with very little options and opportunities (and we wonder why prosperity eludes us).

And each time our ego mind fills us with yet another concept or judgement, another filter is added on... till eventually we perceive "through a glass darkly”. The sad consequence of having all these filters and energetic walls of "protection" is that they keep love, life and happiness from touching us, and in turn, keep us from being able to reach out.

What is locking these resistances into our being?
fear, mistrust, pain, attachment, anger, hurt, insecurity, misunderstanding... the list goes on.
This web site (and my healing work) is designed to help address these resistances as directly as possible.
To dispell misunderstanding?
I share teachings about spirituality and healing.
Fear and mistrust?
I share who I am and what I am about that you may come to know me as a real person.
Your suffering pain and insecurity?
I share this healing work, which is nothing without your participation.

Processing resistance is often uncomfortable, but as they say "the truth shall set you free".
(or is it "The truth shall set you free but not before really pissing you off" ?)

The ego-mind is not necessarily your friend
  The ego-mind resists and rebels against any authority figure that threatens its influence and control, even if that authority is your very own Higher Self. The ego-mind will go so far as to block off or shut down that sacred connection by installing layers of resistances in the form of energetic psychic blocks, walls, distortions and interference patterns... felt as heat, irritation, anger, fear, judgment, negative thoughts, denial, confusion... all preventing you from accessing the internal resources that could have actually helped (such as that of your Higher Self). Sadly, once the ego-mind has its way, the connection between you and your Higher Self will have been damaged so badly, that complete self repair will not be possible. At this point, the only way to remove these resistances you yourself have created is to seek help from a source beyond, outside your closed stuck stagnant system.

Speaking of, how do you feel with what I have said so far? If you are now feeling some resistance, don't worry, its ok...  the ego-mind is an integral part of the human make up so to some degree or another, we all are holding some resistance. The problem arises when our ego-mind and its resistances mechanisms get the better of us and shuts down our human life and limits our connection to spirit.

When you are feeling resistance, try to simply be aware of it: if you try to fight, distract, mask, avoid or run, you will be slowing or stopping your healing process. Try to accept these feelings as an opportunity to transform their energies and get that much closer to healing the underlying issues.

”Do not resist evil"
The more resistances released, the more you will experience "Life" abundantly and deeply, and the more clearly and directly your Higher Self will be revealed.


"Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference". Reinhold Niebuhr

In order to initiate and catalyze a chemical reaction, we must add an external ingredient. In the case of healing, this reaction is brought in from an external Source...one that can intervene between us and our negative thoughts, disharmonious energies, and resistant feelings. This Source has traditionally been the Guru, Guide, Priest or Healer.. someone whose own lower self and ego are more closely surrendered and aligned to their Higher Self and Universal Mind.

Whomever you accept as your Spirit Ally, to get the most benefit be:
Willing - to receive and open to guidance.
Trust - in whom your Self and Spirit has sent you.
Faith - in the process and outcome of the work.
Surrender - up control and let go of attachments.
Whomever you work with, "surrender" is not to their human ego or personality but to your Higher Self they represent.

I Asked God
I asked God to make handicapped children whole.
"Their spirit is whole - the body is only temporary".
I asked God to grant me patience.
"Patience is a byproduct of tribulations - it isn't granted, it is earned".
I asked God to give me happiness.
"I give you blessings. Happiness is up to you".
I asked God to spare me pain.
"Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me".
I asked God to make my spirit grow.
"I will prune you to make you grow".
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.
"I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things".
I asked God to help me LOVE others as much as he loves me.
"Ahhhh, finally you have the idea".

Healing is a Choice

You chose to heal or you chose to not. That’s what “free will” (and life) is all about – making choices. It you don’t want to get with "The Spiritual Program”, that’s your prerogative. I am not here to force someone to do something they do not want. This is why getting your consent or "permission" is critical - without it, nothing or very little would happen.

Typically, your "Higher Self’ is more than willing to receive the healings. That's not the issue. The big problem is your human self and all your various "aspects" (and ego). They all must be engaged and challenged to make a choice - to receive the healing work or not (read more about ego and aspects ). You must demonstrate and exercise your willingness by saying “yes”. Paying for the work is how YOU set that intention in motion. It’s just that simple.

Considering all that your ego-mind contributed to creating your resistances, your ego-will needs to be re-engage by creating its opposite "yes" (at least as much of it that you can rouse). In other words, to -neutralize- the strong energy of "no", an equal or greater strong opposite energy of "yes" must be created. Your negative aspects are still resistant, yet you are using whatever positive soul power you can muster to counteract that resistance.

Our aspects (and ego) are of many diverse minds and thus have many conflicting goals. This internal conflict greatly diffuses the power of our soul and slows or even blocks our ability to heal or do anything really. If we can harness and unite all these aspects and be 100% committed to and focused on any one goal, we shall have the power to move Heaven and Earth ! (or so it has been said). To achieve this degree of soul power, we start by making positive choices at each and every step along the way, and through persistence, all our aspects eventually become aligned into one powerful being with an unstoppable will.

We are the sum total of all our choices.

Spiritual Empowerment

"Spiritual Empowerment" is only possible when we are given the opportunity to choose "yes" or "no". The more we chose one over the other, the more power we give that choice over the direction of our lives. Such an exercise of will is an important "Rite of Passage" for us becoming adults, responsible for our good choices as well as bad. Without such a test of will, we would remain stuck on the fence of life in a sort of in-between “no mans land” or “limbo”, and like a rudderless boat in an ocean, we would be subject to the whims and wills of those currents around.

It's easy enough to tell what side of the fence you favor most: if you found healing to be of greater value over remaining stuck in your resistance, you would do the healings. The sincerity of commitment to make this choice and do this work is challenged (one over the other) by pushing your "money buttons". Of all the things we are most willful and resistant about, money is the biggest. Being confronted with the choice to pay for your healing exercises your ego-will to either open up to the healing process or not. Life is about making choices – you chose to follow the ego-mind or you follow Spirit. If you want to live your life from a place of power, you can’t be ambiguous in your decisions – its got to be one or the other. One reason our Spirit may have brought us down here is to be confronted to make these choices on the most material level. For most people incarnate in this day and age, money is the magic ingredient that tests the mettle of our convictions (it works so I use it).

Though it is a critical component, there is more to healing than simply putting down your money and setting up sessions. The next big obstacle is that we must be willing to continually subject ourselves - over and over - to the “spiritual fires” of the healing process, the energies of which lay the self bare and vulnerable. This can be very scary. Having trust and faith that you will be ok through such “discomfort” is not easy, especially since most people have a deep seated lack of trust in themselves, in others, in life and in Spirit. Most of our deepest issues revolve around this subject of “trust”. No one likes stepping out of their comfort zone and change, but in order to shift from lack of trust to trust, these fears and limitations must be challenged. This is safely and effectively achieved through this healing work.

Experiencing the discomforts and irritations of the healing process is not always easy, but it does get better after a time. There is a light at the end of the tunnel - if you stay on course and keep doing the work you will get there. I offer my support and encouragement to help you along your journey, but no one can force you to do this work but you.

 The Cost of NOT Being In Your Power
We have learned early on that we must follow the pack and do as our peers and elders say. We have learned early on that it is not safe to stand out and affirm our own inner truth or be in our power (rather, we must "maintain the status quo and don't rock the boat"). By accepting these rules and regulations there is a steep price we pay: our freedom, happiness, love and power... the divine birth right of our souls.
Living less than our full potential, compromising ourselves in order to get along... is that living or merely surviving?
(No wonder so many people are clinically depressed and overly medicated).
However, there is another way:

The Rings of Power
Every healing session helps you step that much closer into what I call your "Rings of Power". These "Rings of Power" surround your being in progressively expanding circles, each touching upon different energies and dimensions. As these layers are filled in with more of your spiritual light, love and power, it becomes that much harder for outer forces (or external authority figures) to get into your space and manipulate or control you by threat or fear.

Each ring or layer holds many great gifts and powerful abilities, but also many unresolved issues, some that have been lying in wait for eons. Going deeper and deeper into these rings, we are faced with many unanswered tests and ancient challenges. Overcoming and healing them not only leads you into deeper core layers of your being (and the mysteries therein), but also expands your energy field, strengthens your “spiritual energetic immune system”, frees your consciousness from limiting egocentric fixations, and allows you to become an empowered and empowering player in the greater multi-dimensional universe.

Those who are Asleep have "Free Will"
Those who are Awake have "Divine Will"

The Inner Game of Life
Each time you follow the guidance of your Higher Self, you are aligning and surrendering yourself that much more to the Divine Will. The more you do this, the more you embody your "Rings of Power" and become the "Divine Will". Where we direct our awareness and energy there we go, and what we surrender unto we become. So in life we are ultimately faced with a choice:
Do we allow ourselves to be blindingly led by our desires and ego...
or do we align to our Higher Self and become channels for the Divine?

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